Organizer Bios

Iemanja Brown has worked as an educator in a variety of settings, organizing with young people around environmental justice through direct action and artistic projects.  She is currently a PhD student in English at the CUNY Graduate Center and teaches at Queens College.

Karen Lepri holds a B.A., Harvard University, a M.Ed., University of Massachusetts and a M.F.A. in Literary Arts/Poetry, Brown University. Lepri’s poetry, essays, reviews, and translations from Spanish have appeared in various national and international journals including Aufgabe, Boston Review, Chicago Review, Conjunctions, and Lana Turner. She is the author of Fig. I (Horse Less Press, 2012) and Incidents of Scattering (Noemi, 2013). Her writing interests include the archive, poetics and critical theory. She has been the recipient of the Noemi, American Academy of Poets, Weston, Kim Ann Artark Memorial, and Francis Mason Harris prizes for poetry. She has taught at Brown University and Bard College. Lepri lives in New York City where she is a doctoral candidate in English at the CUNY Graduate Center and teaches at The Cooper Union and Queens College.

Talia Shalev is a PhD student at the CUNY Graduate Center, and teaches at Brooklyn College. She holds an MFA in creative writing from the University of Washington. Talia worked on the editorial team for the recently released What We Are Part Of: Teaching at CUNY: 1968 – 1974, a selection of the poet Adrienne Rich’s syllabi, teaching notes, and course exercises (Lost & Found Series IV, CUNY Center for the Humanities). She is assistant poetry editor for the Los Angeles Review and her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Seattle Review and The Volta.

Wendy Tronrud holds a Masters in Teaching literature from Bard College’s MAT Program, and is currently a doctoral candidate in the English program at the CUNY Graduate Center.  She teaches writing and literature courses at Queens College, and her research focuses primarily on American and African American literature in the long nineteenth century, in addition to an interest in transhistorical poetry, critical theory and pedagogy. She occasionally writes on art and photography for publications like Camera Austria, and is working on the recovery of an archival text written by two prisoners in 1892.